Thursday, March 7, 2013

American accent vs. British accent

As we were talking about American English and British English, I remembered this video. It is not about the different words but about the pronunciation. In this video Charlie from England tries to speak in his best American accent. It's probably not something your can learn from but I think it is really funny to watch. And some phrases are actually pretty good even if his American voice sounds a little bit like a cartoon voice :)

Click on the link and enjoy :)


Elevate Awards

Last weekend I went to the Elevate Awards. The Award was about people who are actively working for social, ecological or economical justice and the improvement of the life circumstances of people and mother nature.  It reminded me a little bit of the Oscars but without all the overdressed people, famous stars and all the glamour – ok, actually it didn’t have to do anything with the Academy Award :)

  One of the three categories was about Artivism – which is a combination of Art and Activism. The winner is Susanne Posegga from Graz who produced a documentary about a refugees boat who stranded in Tenerife in 2006.

The Styrian Award went to a commune in Deutschlandsberg. There are 9 adults and 3 children living together. They share all they have, for example all the money each of them earns goes in a “pot” together and they buy everything they need with that money.  In my opinion it is great to see that it is possible to live that way but is it really necessary to award such lifestyle? I mean it is important to give away awards but sometimes it doesn’t make sense, for me at least. Like for example why does the European Union get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean it is true that there is no war in the EU but we have lots of other problems. And if you look throughout the borders it looks quite different. How many refugees try to find shelter in Europe? And how many are dying every day by even trying it? But now I’m running of the main topic. Let’s go back to the Award one more time. I found the International Award more interesting. The international women organization REDAF won the award which I find really does a very important job throughout the world especially in Africa. In my opinion they really deserve the 2500€ they got for the award.

To come to an end (I don’t want you to get bored) I have to say the Elevate Team did a great job organizing this event and it was a very cool experience to be part of it. The ceremony ended with a buffet and some drinks which is always a good thing :)